BLOG DESIGN - Big Thanks to Ugly Club member Graham Schneider for the righteous pixel art! Graham is working on a retro game concept and other radness - have look at his current site where he's sharing his work!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Hey People!

Well, the time has come - January 2013 saw the beginning of something that has been an amazing experience in my life - the opening of RAMPAGE STUDIOS!  Since then the studio has hosted  so so many amazing events and so so so many amazing figure artists and designers.  It has been an honor to be involved in the Tokyo Figure and Sofubi scene the way I have, and it's with no regrets and loads of excitement about the future that I announce this weekend's last and final event at the studio:  THE RAMPAGE STUDIOS FINALE!!!

The show will feature RAMPAGE painted releases and 1-off handaints on RAMPAGE figures and figures from tons of people who I have had the pleasure of working with over the years. there will also be a RAMPAGE x GRUMBLE TOY mini exhibition and some Secretoy Handpaints. Collaborating artists and figures to be featured include:

RAMPAGE TOYS (that's me!)
Paul Kaiju
The Galaxy People
Grumble Toy
Bwana Spoons
Science Patrol
Violence Toy

Maybe a few secrets and other goodies if I can swing it!

Show will happen at RAMPAGE STUDIOS (address on side bar of the blog --->).  Opens at 7PM - at which time entrance for special invitation and limited ticket entrance will begin.

Ticket price (per person) is $20 - payable via Paypal only.

Tickets are available from now via email request.  Tickets will allow attendees entrance for a 30 minute period - time slots to be available starting at 7PM and ending at 9PM.  Show will close at 9:30(ish).  In order to request a ticket, please send an email to and include:

1) FULL NAME (ONLY the person purchasing the ticket may enter - bring photo ID)

2) A Photograph of your RAMPAGE TOYS collection (those with none need not apply)

I will accept emails until tomorrow (Thursday 9/22) morning, at which time any further emails will be discarded.  Not all requests will result in a ticket being available as they are very limited.  I will email you with info about payment once I check your email and tally the available slots remaining.

Complicated?  Yeah, a  bit.  This event is for collectors and fans - not for you flipper dummies and smelly ojisans - to whom I say: stay home with your anime girl pillows and cheap shochu.


これから RAMPAGE STUDIOS FINALE のチケット発売始まりです!


1)フールネーム (チケット買う方しか入れないよ!会場時にIDをチェックします)


メール貰いましたらんで、チケットまだ残りましたら、支払いの知らせをメールでおしえます~ PAYPALだけでいけるよ。

よろしく! -RT

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